Otto & Eleanor on their wedding day 7th September 1912, Ida (Edie) to the left of Otto
Philipp & Louisa around 1880
Back row, left to right - Ken Slatford & Uncle Albert
Front row, left to right - Eleanor with Diana, Aunt Edie, Marjorie with baby Nigel & Auntie Louie
Help! who are they all? Otto & Eleanor's wedding 1912
Back row, left to right, Auntie Louie, possibly Ada Eade(Eleanor's Mother) Aunt Edie
Front row, left to right, Otto, Eleanor & ? could it be Albert, I don't believe so!
Marjorie's Christening
Back garden 43 Thirlmere, Edie, Otto, Marjorie, Ada? & Ella (Eleanor)